



WOODEN STATUES from 'Wood Paste'
Wood in its raw form can take a long time to dry out prior to carving and then warp prior to, during and after manufacture. Wood Paste has none of these disadvantages yet being made from wood still has the feel and substance of wood.

This combines an age old special formula and innovative technology taking the raw wood, pulping it and reconstituting it as a paste and then heat moulding it layer on layer. When the paste cools off it loses all of its moisture and takes on the same properties of wood when carved or punched.

The decoration is applied with clothing painted with matching colours appropriate for the subject, natural looking flesh and glass eyes: and when the image allows, a gilded trim on the edges of the mantel and tunic. Where requested the decoration can be applied with more embellishment including gold leaf.

Add to that the possibility of crafting its images with fine materials like cast bronze, Portland cement and stone for outdoor use and the innovation is complete.

This in a nutshell means we can offer you an immense range of statues, both in name, finish and size, well beyond the numbers listed here.
